+++ European elections +++ 6-9 June 2024 +++ European elections +++ 6-9 June 2024
Hi there, Europe!
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Hi there, Europe!
We are at a crossroads. This is your chance to decide your future. Don’t leave it up to others. Go vote in the elections for the European Parliament: 6-9 June 2024
How to vote?
The elections for the European Parliament are on different dates per EU country:
In most EU countries citizens can vote from the age of 18, but in Austria, Belgium and Germany the voting age for the European Elections is 16 and in Greece it is 17.
If you are a citizen from an EU country living and registered in another EU country you have the option to choose to vote in either of those two countries. Procedures to register differ per country. For detailed information check elections.europa.eu
In most countries you are automatically registered as a voter. Please select your country for more details.
In most countries you must vote at your designated polling station. Take your ID and possibly your voting card with you.
If you have any other questions, please start a chat or send us an email. We will reply as quickly as we can.
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